How to find your style?


     I'm sure you have already see someone on the street or on the Instagram feed and thought "what a stylish person". In fact, it is very common for anonymous people to become famous for their style, or even celebrities to be praised for the same reason. But what exactly does it mean to have style?

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @anadodia! Everyday I tech you how to dress well while spending little money

What is not stylish? 
   First of all, it is important to talk about what it is not "to have style". To have a nice style doesn't mean to have a crowded closet or always wear clothes that are in fashion (or expensive brands). To have style is not to buy new clothes every week and not to wear clothes only once.

And what is "to have style"? 
     Style varies greatly from person to person. And it is basically the result of our choices, our routine, our lifestyle. It is when we comunicate what we are in the way we dress. In other words, having style means knowing how to communicate to the world who we are inside. That's why our tastes are so different, and what looks good on you may not look good on me. This is not about the size that you and I wear, but  with what that clothe means to each of us.

How to be stylish?
     I'm pretty sure you think you have no style, but believe me, you do! All the choices you make when dressing or buying a clothe define your style. It is also important to know that it is very common to change your style during your life. That's because, in life, we change the way we think, our routines, our friends, our hobbies, our jobs ... So it is possible that our style will change. 
     So, you want to have nice style? The first thing you have to do, is to pay attention in youself. 

    When you like someone's style, it means that you identify with that person's choices. That can say a lot about you! Hope you enjoy it! ♥

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