Color combinations that always look chic


    Mixing colors can be confusing. And sometimes we end up sticking to the basics and not daring. Okay, monochromatic is amazing and super chic, but you can have fun with colorful and super stylish looks. To make things easier, I prepared this post with options for color combinations that are chic and easy to do, so you can be bold and confident that you won't go wrong with the look. And remember: it's always a matter of taste, okay?

      I'll start with my favorite. The combination of brown and off white is chic, elegant and timeless, meaning it will never go out of style. It is also ideal for those who have a more discreet style and want to dare little.

      Fun, romantic and stylish. Blue and yellow is also an easy combination to make, but the big trick here is to use colors at the same temperature. For example, does it come in a candy color blue? So yellow needs to follow the same line. This way the look has harmony.

      Because they are very similar colors, pink and purple form a softer and less flashy combination. That's why it also works well for those who are afraid of being too bold. Ah, this combination gives off the air of a powerful woman.

      It may seem a bit much, but this combination brings a lot of fashion information. It's bold, fun and super creative. It may seem a little too much for those who are not used to mixing colors, but it's worth a try. So if that's the idea, play with this combo!

     Pure elegance, this is the perfect combination for those who want to combine sophistication with creativity. Here's a tip: the darker the tone, the more serious it appears.

What's your favorite one?

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