Fashion mistakes that make you look like a child

Fashion mistakes that make you look like a child

    I'm sure you don't want to seem immature. An immature person takes actions at a younger age, does not take responsibility and is not seen as professional. And as we’ve already learned here on the blog: the first impression is the last impression! Imagine walking into a work meeting and the client's first impression of you is immaturity? Yes, some clothes can convey this image. And so that you don't fall into this trap, here are some mistakes that will make you look immature.


You'd better leave the gym clothes for the gym. One of the most immature things there is is not understanding the dress code. In an office, for example, there is no room for gym pants. So be careful. 

Calm! You don't need to stop wearing your superhero t-shirt, the secret is knowing how to put together your look. The character t-shirt, jeans and sneakers give off a very childish and immature look. The same character t-shirt with pants (jeans or not), blazer and cool shoes convey a professional and creative image. 

A wrinkled outfit gives the impression that you didn't take the time to look after your image, as well as attracting a lot of attention. In other words, when you arrive in a room, people will pay attention to your wrinkled clothes and not to you. Take five minutes before leaving to iron your clothes, the result will be a much more mature look. 

Too big or too small, this type of piece brings the same idea as the previous topic: you weren't worried about your image and now your clothes will draw more attention than they should. Remember: you must dress the body you have today. So look for clothes that fit well and that fit you well. 

Ripped pants are something that is always in style and we are super used to wearing them, but, just like the t-shirt, you need to be careful with the compositions you make. If your goal is to convey a more mature message, try combining ripped pants with more elegant pieces.


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